Our Tag Along Towels™ are experiencing increase demand as employers attempt to raise worker productivity in an era of reduced workforces and record high unemployment. In fact, some employers have already increased Safety Department’s budgets so as to help decrease accidental injuries and boost employee productivity. Ultimately, employers would love for their workers to feel the sense of concern they have for their comfort, safety, and overall wellbeing, because they know that these feelings translates into enhance employee performance at all levels. Tag Along Towels™ are a safety option available to organizations and businesses that can help demonstrate your concern. Our headliners can help employers by improving workplace safety, reducing accidental injuries due outdoor exposures, and decreasing the total number of days each year loss due to on the job injuries. The added use of our Tag Along Towels™ could be that piece that helps your company or organization to meet and/or surpass OSHA mandated guidelines.

Employees feel a sense of loyalty when they are provided the best tools possible to protect themselves as they perform their normal job activities outdoors. The wearing of our Tag Along Towels™ offers your employees the ability to reduce or increase their body temperature up or down according to the season. Will you allow your company’s employee productivity to rise or fall depending upon environmental circumstances outdoors that you can control or not? Tag Along Towels™ eliminate much of the malaise, discomfort, fatigue and dehydration frequently associated with extreme outdoor working conditions. Cap Kick Company would like to remind you that “a happy employee is the most valued asset of any business”.

Spring and summer mark the beginning of a concentrated effort on the part of everyone to enjoy the outdoors with our families, neighbors, and coworkers. It is the time for planning many corporate events, public celebrations, and individual as well as family vacations. Your plans should heed the advice of the medical experts who encourage us all to take steps to protect ourselves, the elderly, and the children from the harmful effects posed by the prolonged exposure to the sunlight and the extreme temperatures of the summer. Tag Along Towels™ can help provide the increased safety you are looking for during your recreational event, and they offer you an ecstatically pleasing product to wear.

The multi-functional aspects of Tag Along Towels™ make them the perfect products whether you working or playing outdoors


Our soldiers are securing our nation’s future as they setup operations around the world. The missions of our new military require flexibility and extensive training with the proper tools. Tag Along Towels, customized Desert Digital and Jungle Green, gives our soldiers the additional protection and the safety necessary to enhance completion of their missions.

Cap Kick company has successfully completed a military field test that gave our Tag Along Towels™ raving reviews by 100 soldiers stationed in Iraq. Our headliners reduced exposure to the cold at night and the windblown sands of the desert during the day. These features made our Tag Along Towels™ a must for this military deployment. So whether it is the dense tropical jungles, with all they encompasses or the arid deserts, Cap Kick is ready to help supply our military with the extra added comfort only Tag Along Towels™ can provide.




The building and development of America has a long history of companies who were willing to invest and spend money to enhance and increase safety for their employees. The construction sites of America are some of the most dangerous places to safely work due to elements like; machinery, heavy equipment, sun, rain, heat, cold, wind and an abundance of noise. Most employers spend a great deal of time ramping up their Safety Departments with people to go out to preach safety and accident prevention at job sites.

Cap Kick Company understands the construction workers challenges at the many different outdoor job sites around the world. Tag Along Towels™ hot weather white gauze, rainproof orange nylon, and cotton velour can help safely protect your job sites employees daily. It does not matter what the weather conditions are we have the Tag Along Towels™ that is perfect for your company.




Our company was started in Texas because of the work experiences of the company founder Thomas Cashin, who worked a few summers in the coastal refineries of Southeast Texas. The high demand for oil and gas, combined with the role Texas has played in the manufacturing and distribution of oil by-products are legendary. I guess it is no wonder that a young man would try to venture into one of those lucrative refinery jobs of the mid 80’s. In fact, it was the heat and exhaustion during the extremely hot Texas summers that drove our founder Thomas to invent Tag Along Towels™.

Tag Along Towels™ development stem from the three ingredients that were most readily available in Texas oil refineries, hand towels, ice and water. Cap Kick’s white gauze Tag Along Towels™ grew out of the energy sector first and expanded into the various proto type products in our line today.

The workers hired by the British Petroleum Company for the Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana’s Southeast Gulf coast beach cleanup of hazardous oil materials were required to wear our white gauze Tag Along Towels for a minimum of 15 minutes of each hour. This safety measure was added by federal authorities in conjunction with BP officials to protect workers from the excessive heat and humid conditions outside where temperatures often soared into the high nineties.

The extremely versatile white gauze Tag Along Towels™ are a customer favorite for outdoors summertime activities. The light weight fabric allows for the flow of air which is cooled by the ice in the zipper back of the headliners.




Outdoors sports enthusiast, stadium crowds and participants alike are drawn to our white gauze Tag Along Towels™ because of the ease, comfort, and safety they provide for them and their families.

No matter what type of outdoor fun you and your family desire the white gauze Tag Along Towels™ are the universal choice of our customers. The stylish look of our white Tag Along Towels™ under a ball cap of your choosing can perfect the coordinate look you desire. When you are thinking of your next outdoor sporting activity whether with the family or friends think Tag Along Towels™.



Spring is the time of the year that all of us like to get out into our yards to enjoy the warmth of the sun after our sometimes lengthy winters. Many times this can be an occasion where one gets too much sun exposure, which can lead to dehydration, sunburn and/or heat strokes.

We are constantly being bombard by alerts that recommend that we consider carefully reducing our exposure to prolong heat, as well as sunlight. In addition, it has been well documented by leading oncologist that Increase exposure to UV rays is also a known source of increased skin cancer risk.

Our white gauze Tag Along Towels™ can help reduce you and your family’s’ exposure to damaging sunlight during outdoor sporting events. Tag Along Towels™ are a cool and comfortable way to approach your outdoor gardening or landscape activities, as well as the routine weekly lawn cutting.




The more special the daytime event the more important it will be to protect yourself from the outdoor heat during summer. We at Cap Kick Company feel that there is no other product available to you that can provide the cooling effects of our headliners while shielding your head neck and face from the sun.

Tag Along Towels™ convenient zipper back center pocket allows you to place ice cubs there or you may simply soak the entire headliner in ice water before placing on your head. These steps will work to quickly reduce your body temperature in just minutes. Get your new look with Tag Along Towels™ for you, your family and your staff before your next special summertime event.




Cap Kick Company is headquartered at Mercado 6 Marketplace, 7355 Hwy. 6 South, Houston, Texas 77083.
We are an innovative firm started in 2006 by Thomas Cashin of Houston, Texas. Our products meet the public
service safety guidelines/concerns that have been issued by “The Center for Disease Control”, “The Office of
the US Surgeon General”, and the “American Medical Association” against the harmful effects of prolonged
outdoor exposure during extremely hot or cold weather conditions.

If your job or leisure activity requires you to be exposed to outdoor weather conditions, you should consider
employing a Tag Along Towels to safely shield and protect you from the weather. Our products reduce exposure
to the weather and temperature extremes, while offering you the increased protection from heat, cold, wind, and
rain that a cap alone cannot provide. Tag Along Towels have been shown to meet and exceed user’s expectations whether wearing them for outdoor recreational activities or in the workplace.


Mercado 6 Marketplace
7355 Hwy. 6 South
Houston, Texas 77083

Thomas Cashin: (713) 647-1838
Cliff Pumphrey: (972) 897-0180