We are an innovative firm started in 2006 by Thomas Cashin of Houston, Texas. Thomas spearheaded the growth of Cap Kick Company over the early years through his relentless pursuit of product modifications to meet the marketplace demand. During that time our unit sales saw consistent growth, which led to the development of additional products to meet customer needs and request. These existing line extensions in recent years have undergone additional improvements through research and development based on our customers’ feedback.

It has been Thomas Cashin’s constant focus on our customers’ needs that has propelled our continue success in the marketplace and we never lose sight of it. We understand that the success of Cap Kick Company and its future will depend upon our ability to keep our customers coming back. We constantly remind ourselves to be customer focused and to maintain an inventory of the finest quality manufactured products. As part of our continued success and growth, we are planning the possible launch of two additional line extensions by year end 2014.

Over the years Thomas spoke occasionally to his first cousin, Clifford S. Pumphrey, Jr. about his business during various family gatherings. In January of 2012 following one these gatherings Thomas and Clifford engaged in extensive discussions regarding the future and direction of Cap Kick Company. Upon completion of this dialogue they entered a joint agreement. The decision was made to re-launch and re-position the company in late February of 2012. Under terms of this agreement, Cap Kick Company is being managed by Clifford S. Pumphrey, Jr., as President of Sales & Marketing in collaboration with owner Thomas Cashin. Clifford has an extensive background in sales and account management with over 35 years of combined pharmaceutical sales experience. His former customers included WalMart, CVS, Eckerd Drugs, Military, State, County and Local Governments from New England to the Southwest. Clifford has an extensive history of sales promotional merchandising experience garnered from more than four years of broker management to the chain Health & Beauty Aids (HBA’s) outlets across the country. His broad based merchandising, sales, and marketing experience with his previous accounts will help serve to position Cap Kick Company as an innovative leader in sales for outdoor recreation activities and workforce safety.

Cap Kick Company maintains offices and staff in both Houston and Dallas. Cap Kick Company filed a Registered Trademark request for Tag Along Towels™, March 9, 2012, and we received final approval October 16, 2012.


Our customers represent a very diverse group that includes recreation, sports, the service industry, construction, US military, and oil/natural gas refining. More specifically it includes: the Bait Tackle stores, Lawnmower Repair businesses, BP Oil, Northgate Construction Company, and Municipal/State governments along the Southeast Gulf Coast and Western states.

  • • Recently completed experimental military trials for 100 soldiers stationed in Tikrit, Iraq.

  • • British Petroleum Company Oil Spill workers required to wear Tag Along Towels™ for 15 minute of each hour while cleaning the oil spill on the beaches and marshlands of the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

  • • Select Walgreen stores in Florida and Nevada on a seasonal basis.

  • • The Nevada Department of Transportation (Highways Department)

  • • Northgate Construction Company during Hwy 114 West Airport Construction Grapevine, Texas


Our products meet the public service safety guidelines and concerns established by “The Center for Disease Control”, “The Office of the US Surgeon General”, and “The American Medical Association” in cooperation with the states for the prevention of the harmful effects of prolonged outdoor exposure during extremely hot or cold weather conditions. If your job or leisure activity requires you to be directly exposed to the weather, you should consider employing a Tag Along Towels™ to safely shield and protect you from sunburn, heat strokes, dehydration, and/or hyperthermia. Our products reduce exposure to the weather and temperature extremes, while offering you the increased protection from heat, cold, wind, and rain that a cap or hard hat alone cannot provide. Tag Along Towels™ have been shown to meet and exceed user’s expectations whether wearing them for outdoor recreational activities or in the workplace.

Tag Along Towels™ can be worn alone or underneath a cap or hard hat of your choice to shield your head, neck and face while you work, play, and/or sleep outside. Our headwear increases productivity, maximizes safety, and limits your outdoor exposure during harsh weather conditions. Tag Along Towels™ enhance user comfort and increase overall productivity during all outdoors activities, both work and play.


"Without reservation the NDOT (Nevada Department of Transportation) recommends this product and especially if working in extreme temperatures. I personally use the hat when working on field projects and I love it." "The comfort, convenience and safety of Tag Along Towels were established during evaluation (2009) by the State of Nevada. We love the product"

- Roma Clewell, State of Nevada DOT, Product Evaluation Coordinator -

"A few of my own soldiers wore this headgear recently in the wee hours of morning while on a range in conjunction with their body armor. They commented that they "LOVED IT" for this as it kept their ears and neck warm while lying in a prone position for long periods of time."

"Most of the temperature this has been worn in my unit has been between 10C - 40C degrees. Rated performance in this temperature = 10."

- SGT Charles Keith, U.S. Army, Cob Speicher, Tikrit, Iraq -



Thomas Cashin: (713) 647-1838

Cliff Pumphrey: (972) 897-0180

Mercado 6 Marketplace
7355 Hwy. 6 South
Houston, Texas 77083


Cap Kick Company is headquartered at Mercado 6 Marketplace, 7355 Hwy. 6 South, Houston, Texas 77083.
We are an innovative firm started in 2006 by Thomas Cashin of Houston, Texas. Our products meet the public
service safety guidelines/concerns that have been issued by “The Center for Disease Control”, “The Office of
the US Surgeon General”, and the “American Medical Association” against the harmful effects of prolonged
outdoor exposure during extremely hot or cold weather conditions.

If your job or leisure activity requires you to be exposed to outdoor weather conditions, you should consider
employing a Tag Along Towels to safely shield and protect you from the weather. Our products reduce exposure
to the weather and temperature extremes, while offering you the increased protection from heat, cold, wind, and
rain that a cap alone cannot provide. Tag Along Towels have been shown to meet and exceed user’s expectations whether wearing them for outdoor recreational activities or in the workplace.


Mercado 6 Marketplace
7355 Hwy. 6 South
Houston, Texas 77083

Thomas Cashin: (713) 647-1838
Cliff Pumphrey: (972) 897-0180